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I thought he was going to pull it out and start jacking off, but I moved and it must have shocked him a bit.Īfter awhile I fell asleep only to be awoken maybe 30 minutes later. I watched him as he rubbed his cock through his Bill was doing the same and he thought I was sleeping. It was hotter than hell in the dorm rooms, the air conditioning wasn't working and I was laying in my bed on top of the sheets in my underware. As time passed I know Bill saw me stareing at him when hw was getting dressed or when we were in showers together. But it did arouse my curiosity, I had always fantisied about having a gay encounter. He dropped a lot of hints that I let slide by. He was on his second marriage and didn't have any kids.Īfter getting to know Bill I suspected he was gay. My room mate Bill was about my age, we were around 25 at the time and he was an extremely We had a tough schedual with no time to go out to the bars to play. to 5pm., dinner, and classes from 6pm until 10 pm. We had to stay in the dorms and we had room mates.Īs it turns out we had breakfast at 7am, classes went from 8am. I was married, had two kids, working full time and taking night class The class was a 5 week course and was in a live in situation. I had the honor of attending an honors summer school class while I was in college.

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